Jade Blue’s Story
We helped Jade Blue successfully appeal the Crown Prosecution Service’s (CPS) decision to drop her rape case a matter of days before the trial was due to start.
Fatima has been married to Jon for 8 years and they have two children, Mia (3) and Kerim (7). Throughout their marriage Jon has been verbally abusive and physically aggressive. Once a confident and independent woman, Fatima’s self-esteem has been eroded by the constant humiliation and fear that she experiences on a daily basis. One day Jon came home late from work, smelling of alcohol, and in front of the children, punched Fatima hard in the stomach. Fearful of what else might happen, Fatima grabbed a small bag and the two children and fled to a women’s refuge.
On arrival at the refuge she was given the telephone number for our legal advice helpline. When our adviser spoke to her she was very distressed. She said she did not know who else to turn to. She wanted to return home, but she was not sure whether it would be safe. Our adviser explained to Fatima what her legal rights were and how the law could help. She told her that a non-molestation order could protect her and her children from Jon’s violence and an occupation order could exclude Jon from the home. The adviser told Fatima how she could apply for this protection, sent her our free Guide to domestic violence injunctions and invited her to call back if she wanted any further advice.
When I left my home I thought that I would never be able to go back. Rights of Women told me my rights and gave me the confidence to represent myself in court, something which I never thought possible. I’ve since obtained both orders and am so relieved that both my children and I are finally safe.
We helped Jade Blue successfully appeal the Crown Prosecution Service’s (CPS) decision to drop her rape case a matter of days before the trial was due to start.
Maggie sought our help after her boyfriend forced her to have sex with him. We provided guidance and advice on multiples issues over a period of time.
Rosa had originally come to the UK as a student 5 years ago, and called our advice line because she was experiencing violence in her relationship with her boyfriend, a British citizen.
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