Flows Forum
FLOWS Forum is an online community for legal professionals and frontline domestic abuse service professionals to share expertise and seek advice on family and criminal law issues. By connecting to our online network members will stay at the forefront of conversations on improving law and policy for survivors.
To find out more and apply to join visit: www.flowsforum.org
Flows Forum is part of the FLOWS (Finding Legal Options for Women Survivors) project which is delivered in partnership by Rights of Women and RCJ Advice.
Women's Migration and Asylum Network - WoMAN
This interactive forum is a place for information sharing amongst professionals working in gender, migration and violence against women.
It is a forum for sharing updates on case law, legislation and policy as well as a source of practical advice and assistance in individual cases. Members regularly post information about relevant research, training courses and events.
WoMAN is free and open to any professional interested in the group’s objectives.
Find more information about WoMAN in the Terms of Reference.
If you would like to join WoMAN Network please send us an email.
Training and events
We offer a programme of free training, along with in-house and bespoke courses, designed for organisations and professionals addressing issues related to violence against women and girls (VAWG).