Legal aid
Navigating the Exceptional Case Funding Scheme without a lawyer
A policy report analysing the accessibility of the scheme for survivors of domestic and sexual violence and abuse making
Exceptional Case Funding applications under Immigration and Family law.
Evidencing domestic violence: nearly 3 years on
We have been monitoring the impact of the legal aid regulations on the ability of women affected by violence to access family law legal aid.
Evidencing domestic violence: reviewing the amended regulations
This report demonstrates that the domestic violence evidence criteria continues to prove a barrier to accessing family law legal aid for women affected by violence.
Evidencing domestic violence: a year on
This report demonstrates the very significant barriers which women affected by violence experience in accessing family law legal aid.
Evidencing domestic violence: a barrier to family law legal aid
Our findings show that the legal aid regulations are restricting access to legal advice and representation to women affected by domestic violence.
Evidencing domestic violence: the facts
Research conducted by Rights of Women and Welsh Women’s Aid shows that at least 46% of domestic violence victims will not be eligible or legal aid.
Women’s Access to Justice: a research report
Rather than a cost-cutting exercise that threatens the very existence of our publicly funded system of justice, what is needed is increased access to legal advice and representation.
The value of legal aid: case studies
We asked individual women, professionals who responded to violence against women and legal professionals for examples of cases where legal aid had helped them or a woman they supported.
Access to justice: a report on women's access to free legal advice
Our aims were to examine organisations providing free advice to disadvantaged women in four London boroughs (Hackney,
Haringey, Lambeth and Tower Hamlets).
Immigration and asylum
Domestic abuse in a new immigration landscape
A short introduction to the challenges facing migrant-victim survivors of domestic abuse, for women navigating the immigration system in England and Wales and frontline professionals who support them.
Athena project: evaluation report
The project ran from July 2014 – June 2017. It had three strands of provision: a telephone advice line; hosting WoMAN and; delivering a training and capacity building programme.
Violence against women and girls
Creating a clear pathway for practice
Working towards more effective responses to survivors of forced marriage.
Picking up the pieces: domestic violence and child contact
This research explores the experiences of women and legal professionals of the law, policy and practice in child contact proceedings.
Measuring up? UK compliance with international commitments on VAWG
In this report, UK progress in preventing and responding to violence against women in England and Wales is measured against the three strategic objectives contained in the BPfA on VAWG.
BMER Women, the Law and Violence - Where's the Justice?
Report from our 2008 conference on thee culmination of many years of campaigning, providing training and writing on legal issues relating to Black and Minority Ethnic and Refugee women.
Women and Violence: what’s law got to do with it?
Report from our 2006 conference marking a major milestone in our development at Rights of Women.