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Safe exit

Course description

This session will explore Part 3 of the Act which introduces measures currently being piloted in various parts of the country including the London Boroughs of Bromley, Croydon and Sutton. We will explain what Domestic Abuse Protection Notices and Domestic Abuse Protection Orders are, how they fit into the existing framework of protective orders and how the pilots are operating.

Who can attend?

It is open to all professionals working in London boroughs on violence against women and girls issues from the community, voluntary and statutory sectors including refuge workers, IDVAs, ISVAs, social workers, housing officers, police officers, education professionals and health professionals. It is also open to Commissioners and Local Authority Officers responsible for commissioning violence against women services.

It is especially recommended for VAWG professionals working in the pilot boroughs of the London Boroughs of Bromley, Croydon, and Sutton.

Eligibility and Registration

This opportunity is available exclusively for participants based in London

  • All registration questions need to be completed for us to assess eligibility.
  • Please double-check your email address for accuracy to ensure you receive all communications.
  • Once you submit your registration, we will review it and let you know if you have secured a spot. Please be patient as we handle a high volume of registrations.Registration does not guarantee a place on the course.

Date options:

Date: 11 March, 2025, Tuesday

Time: 10.00am – 12.00pm

Format: Zoom



Date: 19 March, 2025, Wednesday

Time: 11.00am – 1.00pm

Format: Zoom


If registration is full, please email [email protected] with the following details to be added to the waiting list:

  • Job title
  • Organisation
  • Organisation postcode (this is where your organisation is mainly based)