Family Court ruling “important decision” in ensuring family courts are not exploited by perpetrators
The Family Court has ruled journalists can name a serial rapist who a judge ruled could have unsupervised contact with his child. The mother appealed that decision and won. She also supported the application to name her rapist. The father and Cafcass opposed it.

Olive Craig, Senior Family Lawyer at Rights of Women, said:
“This is an important decision because women who want to speak about their experiences of domestic and sexual abuse should not feel unable to do so because of overly restrictive rules in the Family Court. This judgment is an example of how, in the right circumstances, it is possible for the Family Court to protect the identities of children and survivors of rape while ensuring the court is not used by perpetrators to further abuse or avoid public scrutiny, especially when they have previously been convicted of rape against a different woman. It is important to highlight that the mother in this case supported the application. Survivors of rape should feel able to make allegations to the Family Court without fear of being identified against their wishes, just like in the criminal courts.”
Read the ruling: Hannah Summers & Anor v Kristopher Paul Arthur White & Ors [2024] EWFC 182
Read the full story: TBIJ wins court battle to publish name of sex offender